Call us +91 80266 - 43664


  • Expect The Highest Quality And Reliability
    We feature more than 10 standard spray booth models, and specialize in custom designs for the most unique of applications. Our flexible, state-of-the-art booths may be used for production batch finishing as well as high production finishing on a large conveyor line. They also effectively handle liquid, powder, functional,
    and high finish coating, and products ranging from earrings, guardrails, scaffolding, and vending machines to lawnmowers, bathtubs, boom lifts, and washing machines. To ensure full integration, your Paint spray booth takes into account your entire disposal, filtration, lighting, temperature, and air flow needs.
  • Rely On The Finest Precision Engineering
    Our System is designed to ensure the highest reliability in design, engineering, and product fabrication. The accuracy of our CNC machining allows us to fabricate structures and panels with extremely close tolerances. Plus, our engineering infrastructure gives us the flexibility to respond quickly to your fast track proposals and urgent delivery requests. And that's our "on-time" promise! .
  • Receive Unparalleled Personal Attention
    Technostat walks you through every phase of the design and installation process, providing you with dedicated, local support tailored to your specific requirements. .